jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Non- verbal communication

"Your actions speak louder than your words."

According to the video and class we can define non- verbal communication as the communication through sending and receiving messages without words between people that includes our facial expressions, clothes, reactions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and even the tone of our voice. In fact, the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is powerful tool that will help you connect with others, express what you really mean and build better relationships at home and work.
I completely agree with the saying “your actions speak louder that your words” because it’s true, actions complement what you're saying. When you speak and your words concordance with your non-verbal actions, they increase the sense of interest, trust or disinterest, distrust or confusion that’s what makes stronger and clearer what you're trying to say, improving your communication. Apart from help to make powerful what you say, also, reveal your feelings, beliefs, likings etc
For example, your body language suggests you that you are uncomfortable with other person, or just a look can tell you how the other person is feeling at given moment. Another example and very common it’s when you are enthusiastic expressing your feeling using a funny tone of voice.
There are an infinite number of examples about nonverbal communication. Language is so important for the effective communication, only using gestures without words you can also effectively transmit information on size and position.

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Afro Colombianos!

Afro Colombians are the result of the slaves from Africa with the Spanish colonists or with the indigenous. The slaves from Africa on the decade of the 16th century they began being imported into Colombia by the Spaniards because they were the replace of the rapidly declining Native American population. Africans were forced to work in gold mines, on sugar cane plantations, cattle ranches, and large haciendas. All this happened until they won their freedom in 1851 when the slavery was all over in Colombia. At this moment the afro-Colombians are located in every major city in the country, especially on the departments of the Pacific and the Caribbean coast.

The afro Colombian differ from the dominant culture on many factors with their identity traits, ethno history, social organization, kinship structure, methods and practices of production, exercise of territoriality and ownership of political, religions and thoughts, they redefine the complexity of the African world. Music also plays an important role as they have contributed to such important genres cumbia, vallenato, and champeta currulao.

In other hand, The afro Colombians rights come first, of Africanness and history of kidnapping, dehumanization and enslavement by society and the Spanish state, and second, international standards subscribed by the Colombian government, these rights w

ere only recognized by the constitution 1991 that declare the presence and ethnic citizenship of the Afro-descendant who were enslaved from 1510 to 1851. Although this, Afro-Colombians are currently in the middle of war, poverty and neglect many of their basic needs are unmet and education is seriously affected, also the traditional settlement area of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities in the country is being affected by the dynamics that has taken the armed conflict.

In my opinion history and values ​​of Afro-Colombian national heritage have been ignored by society. Although legislation exists to protect human rights but in the last ten years have gotten worse their socio-economic conditions exclusion and poverty, which is the result of neglect and invisibility that have had to live these communities by the state, that’s why this people should be treated with more careful because the government hasn’t be fair to them

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

“My big fat Greek wedding”

Weddings between people from different culture are very common in our world, especially now that we are in a globalized world, where the connection and communication is much faster and easier.

When two persons are from different cultures and they got to married, not only it gives the opportunity to know and learn different culture and customs but also can be a reason to create problems with a partner for example, holidays (a day of festivity or recreation that the majority’s reason of them are in each

cultures ), food, religions, education. In the movie “my big fat greek wedding” toula had the opportunity to know customs from America thanks to ian but toulas father was close with the greek culture and he always said to her daugther that she had to marry a greek man, so that was a big problem because Ian was american. The thing is that the couples need to know and respect each other’s cultural differences therefore, they can complement each other.

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Endangered Cultures and Languages

Off course is important to protect the different cultures and languages that exist around the world. I think the most fascinating things that we have is the diversity between each other country, as Wade Davis said, “You know, one of the intense pleasures of travel and one of the delights of ethnographic research is the opportunity to live amongst those who have not forgotten the old ways, who still feel their past in the wind, touch it in stones polished by rain, taste it in the bitter leaves of plants.

Additionally , when people allow the reduction of different language, they also loss different cultures, according to prominent French linguist, Mr. Hagege who says, "What we lose is essentially an enormous cultural heritage, the way of expressing the relationship with nature, with the world, between themselves in the framework of their families, their kin people,".

In other hand, we can’t unify the different cultures, maybe is not easy to communicate with others but there is the special and the essential. The languages consist in different words with different means. In consequence, to major it is the number of languages, major it is the number of words and major will be the knowledge and information, which is the reason that moves to the planet in search of new things.

Finally I want to quote the Ethnologue editor Paul lewis, "We would spend an awful lot of money to preserve a very old building, because it is part of our heritage. These languages and cultures are equally part of our heritage and merit preservation."

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

my name is Maria isabel rueda. im 18 years old and im studying industrial engineering at la universidad del norte in barranquilla, colombia. in this moment im in 3th semester and also studing english content I, with paige poole who is my teacher from this course.
this blog will be a space between my classmates and my teacher, especially to interact and learn new things.