jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Non- verbal communication

"Your actions speak louder than your words."

According to the video and class we can define non- verbal communication as the communication through sending and receiving messages without words between people that includes our facial expressions, clothes, reactions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and even the tone of our voice. In fact, the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is powerful tool that will help you connect with others, express what you really mean and build better relationships at home and work.
I completely agree with the saying “your actions speak louder that your words” because it’s true, actions complement what you're saying. When you speak and your words concordance with your non-verbal actions, they increase the sense of interest, trust or disinterest, distrust or confusion that’s what makes stronger and clearer what you're trying to say, improving your communication. Apart from help to make powerful what you say, also, reveal your feelings, beliefs, likings etc
For example, your body language suggests you that you are uncomfortable with other person, or just a look can tell you how the other person is feeling at given moment. Another example and very common it’s when you are enthusiastic expressing your feeling using a funny tone of voice.
There are an infinite number of examples about nonverbal communication. Language is so important for the effective communication, only using gestures without words you can also effectively transmit information on size and position.